Muhammad Raj is a brilliant youth from an Acharya-Brahmin family. He spent his childhood, adolescence, and a large part of his youth in a prestigious Brahmin family. After reading the biography of the Messenger of Allah, Allah blessed him and granted him peace, and eventually, he found the path of guidance. After embracing mighty Islam, he made his way of life by using the abilities and skills given by Allah. Instead of going to people’s doors, streets, or mosques in the name of help like others.
His only word – he accepted Islam to get Allah, Not to go around begging for people’s mercy. Allah has given every human being some ability. Everyone can organize their lives by applying it correctly.
Time flows like a river. At the end of the night comes a new dawn. In the same way, Muhammad Raj’s thinking expanded further. His world of thought became more refined. He realized that the Muslim cannot live for himself alone; his life must be for the welfare of humanity. From that thought, he got involved in public service activities.
Currently, he is the secretary of the Central Relief Committee of South Asia’s most significant human rights foundation, the SAARC Human Rights Foundation, and vice president of Dhaka South. Under his supervision, multi-faceted service activities have taken place in different remote areas of the country under the banner of this foundation.
He was before managing the government-registered reputed service organization named
“Hafezzi Charitable Society of Bangladesh”
Expressing his desire to open his own Charity organization in the future, he left the Hafezzi organization. Now, he and some of his trusted companions are engaged in the service of helpless people alone.
A project called ‘Jannater Khoje‘, acclaimed at home and abroad is a single effort by Muhammad Raj. This project has set an outstanding example of humanity by providing medical services, including primary operations, to helpless patients.
This project started by helping a helpless older woman on the road. In the last one and a half years, medical services worth about 8 million taka have been provided. One hundred twenty complicated patients were helped in their operations. This project creates one breakthrough in history after another.
He himself is a New Muslim. So he and his fellow brothers have started charity work with the help of New Muslims to make them self-reliant, Alhamdulillah. “New Muslim Welfare Program” is to support new Muslims. Under this project, we distribute cattle, sewing machines, karje hasana, and everything necessary to support the New Muslims.
There are Free Medical Camps that provide health care to the public. It has provided medical care to half a lakh people in various remote areas. Approximately 7 million worth of food and other goods have been distributed among the affected people of Sylhet due to the 2019 flood. Free medical camps are set up at World Ijtema in Tongi, Gazipur, annually. From there, the humanity and love of Muhammad Raj and his organization reached millions of people in the country and abroad.
Various projects include “Mehmandari” and the Establishment of Maktabs.
Muhammad Raj and his Humanitarian works have repeatedly appeared in the country’s media, including Kaler Kantha, Jugantar, Ittefaq, Bangladesh Protidin, The Observer, The Finance Today, Our Time etc. He also writes articles in influential magazines and newspapers.
In his personal life, Muhammad Raj follows the guidance of the Haqqani Islamic scholars. Scholars love him. Called and talked. His Shaykh and mentor is Hazrat Mufti Zafar Ahmad Saheb Damat Barakatuhum of Dhalkanagar, one of the respected Islamic scholars in the Indian subcontinent.
Long live Muhammad Raj, the Beloved of human souls. Long live his Charity works. Through service to humanity, spread the light of Islam to the horizon of the world.
Muhammad Raj Receives International Award for Humanitarian Activities in Egypt Published by Daily Sun | December 3, 2024 Muhammad Raj, director of the Hafezzi Charitable Society of Bangladesh (HCSB), has been honored with an international award for his remarkable humanitarian work, particularly in Egypt and Gaza. This recognition reflects his dedication to supporting Palestinian refugees […]