ACTIVITIES | | Muhammed Raj Muhammed Raj


Blanket and Winter Cloth Distribution

Blanket and winter Cloth Distribution


Blanket and winter Cloth Distribution in Bangladesh Blanket and winter Cloth Distribution in Bangladesh is one of the flagship humanitarian initiatives led by Muhammad Raj, the director of the Hafezzi Charitable Society of Bangladesh (HCSB). This annual project addresses the pressing needs of underp

Water Distribution in Gaza

Support for Palestine


Muhammad Raj’s Leadership in Support for Palestine Under the leadership of Muhammad Raj, the director of the Hafezzi Charitable Society of Bangladesh (HCSB), the organization has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to addressing the plight of the oppressed. The latest initiative, Support for

A poor man talking to Muhammad Raj after getting food from him.

Project Jannater Khoje


The number of financially insecure patients who are unable to undergo treatment due to lack of money is not small. Many patients are dying without treatment. There are many patients who are lying in slums in Dhaka city, who cannot get even a little treatment. They have been living in slums or some s

New Muslim Welfare Program - Muhammad Raj

New Muslim Welfare Program


Alhamdulillah, the Hafezzi Charitable Society of Bangladesh has been conducting multidimensional service activities nationwide. We have taken up a project titled New Muslim welfare program for New Muslim brothers who have accepted Kalema’s invitation. Through this, the new-Muslim brothers who

Muhammad Raj giving summer love to a police man.

Project Summer Love Distribution


Battling the Heat in Dhaka The Project Summer Love Distribution aims to help those in need during the scorching summer. Although early summer wasn’t too hot, intense heat waves began hitting by the month of Jaishtha. Temperatures soared to 40 degrees Celsius across the country, including the c

Muhammad Raj giving blanket to a poor girl through project winter cloths distribution

Project Winter Clothes Distribution


Helping Communities Every year, Muhammad Raj’s Winter Clothes Distribution Project helps people in need during the cold winter months. We travel to remote areas of the country, including North Bengal and South Bengal, to provide warmth and comfort. Distributing High-Quality Blankets Last year,

A poor holding some foods and drinks which has been given through Project Free Hospitality.

Project Free Hospitality


Supporting the Hungry in Dhaka Project Free Hospitality, led by Muhammad Raj and his team, aims to help those in need. In Dhaka’s bustling streets and narrow alleys, many people need help finding even a simple meal. For them, good food is a luxury. Many nights, they go to bed hungry. Project F

Free Medical Camp

Free Medical Camp in Bangladesh


Free Medical Camp in Biswa Ijtema Bishwa Ijtema is the biggest gathering of Muslim Ummah after Hajj. For eight consecutive years, including 2022, 23, and 24, me Muhammad Raj and my team have distributed free medical camp to the world community. With the grace of Allah and your prayers, we appear in

Disaster and Resettlement

Project: Disaster and Resettlement


We try to be the first to come with relief assistance in any disaster of the country. We provide food and medical assistance to the people who are affected by natural calamities including cyclones in South Bengal and floods in North Bengal. Already we have provided free food and medical ca


Muhammad Raj Receives International Award

Muhammad Raj Receives International Award for Humanitarian Activities in Egypt Published by Daily Sun | December 3, 2024 Muhammad Raj, director of the Hafezzi Charitable Society of Bangladesh (HCSB), has been honored with an international award for his remarkable humanitarian work, particularly in Egypt and Gaza. This recognition reflects his dedication to supporting Palestinian refugees […]

আর্টিকেল দেখুন
ফের বন্যার্তদের পাশে হাফেজ্জী চ্যারিটেবল সোসাইটি

আর্টিকেল দেখুন
জান্নাতের খোঁজেঃ স্বজনহীন রোগীর সেবায় একটি প্রকল্প 

আর্টিকেল দেখুন